In 1994, the Pike County Thirteen (Delta Women) completed the arduous application process to charter a chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in Pike County.
Chartering members led by Jane V. McGhee, were:
They agree on a proposed slate of officers. A formal election with any necessary corrections would be held on Saturday, April 8, 1995, after the chartering ceremony would have been completed. The chapter would serve the following counties: Amite, Lawrence, Lincoln, Pike, and Wilkinson. Their programs/projects included: Patrons of Arts, Delta Dolls Pageants, Scholarship Balls, Literacy Programs, Health Fairs, Voter Information/Registration, and support of Grand Chapter’s International initiatives. Collaborative efforts included Voter Education Forums, Pan Hellenic Programs, Christmas Parades, highway clean-up, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, and VFW Buddy Poppies and Memorials.